My veggie patch is having a rough year. First time since I started it a few summers ago. Had crazy good lettuce and mustard greens and now my zucchini is going crazy!!! Might be a good day for zucchini soup and zucchini bread!!!! Made peace with the failure of my brussels sprouts, melons and cauliflower. Ripped out the sad remains of what all started off amazing.
Lessons in it all...
I plant lots of new seeds and even with consistent nourishing, some things just don’t grow the way we hope AND that is okay. I am letting go with much more grace and ease with each new season of my life. Spirit has shown me quite clearly that the letting go always makes space for something new to blossom. When I trust in the power of letting go, i find I am always divinely guided. 💙💙💙
The struggle is in watering things that have long since died. We hold on to an illusion or an outcome that all signs show us will be fruitless. This is how we find ourselves suffering and in pain. Find peace in the knowledge that not every seed will grow despite our best effort and that is okay. Clear out the debris with gratitude for your efforts and enjoy the new space you have created for something even more beautiful to blossom! 🌸🌸🌸