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Full Circle Wellness

Here I am, two years later, and my circle has blossomed into this magical space that embodies the very essence of intimacy & sacredness.

Today marks a very important anniversary! Two years ago today, I hosted my very first sisterhood circle. TWO YEARS!!! How is that possible?! It all began with a desire to create intimacy & sacredness in my life, 2 of my words for 2015. When I chose those words, I had intended to manifest that in my marriage. When I set those intentions it was my desire to heal my relationship. What I learned was that was not possible but I could heal myself! I ended up leaving that marriage later in 2015 & going to live on a farm with my children for several months. My craving for intimacy & sacred living grew to such epic proportions I took a giant leap of faith & invited 12 women to my little home on this beautiful farm to sit in circle with me. When I invited these ladies, I had never sat in a sisterhood circle before. To be completely honest the closest I had come was maybe a yoga class full of women or my book club, which had really turned into a wine club. LOL!

Here I am 2 years later & my little circle has blossomed

into this magical space that embodies the very essence of intimacy & sacredness. I now host 2 different circles in my home every month. I have about 18 women in each group who gather every month for support, healing, nurturing, honesty, connection & meaningful living. Today, I sit here in just complete awe & gratitude….we have circled together 26 times!! Most of the original 12 women are still circling with our group every month. It just blows my mind! These sisters have changed my life!!

What I have learned from these women is that we all feel healthier because of our sisterhood! In a culture where being healthy means working out obsessively, constant dieting & the latest health fads, we have completely lost touch with what living in optimum health & wellness really means…

It means living in full service to your heart, soul, mind & body every single day!

A sacred sisterhood circle does this very thing so exquisitely! Women have gathered in circle for centuries. This ancient tradition is making a comeback because it is important to the overall wellness of women. In circle, it is safe to shed that which no longer serves us. Veils of secrecy & shame are lifted. Honesty & vulnerability prevails. We connect with our truest essence & embrace all that is beautiful about ourselves. In that space, healing happens & our wellness comes full circle!

Today, as I sort through images & memories of these last 24 months together, I am in awe of the healing that I have witnessed, that I have personally experienced. I just sit back with my hand over my heart in such deep reverence for these women & the space we have created together. Thank you!

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